39 - Iain Simmons
Iain Simmons is a Development Lead and Web Developer working full-time remotely from his home in the beautiful Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. He lives with his amazing wife and two boys. His youngest son has Down Syndrome, and both boys are homeschooled, so there's always a lot happening at home.
Aside from work, he spends most of his free time hanging out with his family, playing board games (there are more digital/online versions these days), and, of course, tinkering with his dotfiles and Neovim config, as well as following and talking to others who do the same.
Neovim and Terminal
My Neovim config is based on kickstart.nvim, though that was a long time ago. Now at the core of it are the mini.nvim and snacks.nvim plugins, and tinted-vim for my colorscheme. I lazy load everything, and can typically load Neovim with my almost 70 plugins in less than 80 ms, since only 20 or so of those are loaded on startup.
Favorite Tools
WezTerm: terminal emulator
tmux: terminal multiplexer
fish: shell
sesh: tmux plugin for quickly switching sessions
Yazi: file explorer TUI
tinted-theming: base16 colorschemes fork for all the things
zoxide: A smarter cd command
atuin: magical shell history
ov: pager
fnm: Fast and simple Node.js version manager
fx: JSON viewer & processor TUI
posting: REST API client TUI
Raycast: launcher, shortcuts, window management, converter and more
Obsidian: notes
Shottr: screenshot tool
Lazygit: simple terminal UI for git commands
Iain's main dotfiles are organized using stow, so others could use that to "apply" his dotfiles. However, he expects it would be more useful for people to simply browse the configuration files for a particular tool.
You can find his dotfiles here: https://github.com/iainsimmons/dotfiles
And his Neovim config. Instructions are in the README:
Favorite Books
Iain isn't much of a reader and tends to focus on documentation sites rather than technical books. The only technical book he recalls from recent memory is "Hypermedia Systems."
For non-technical reading, one of his favorites from childhood, introduced to him by his dad, is "Magician" by Raymond E. Feist.