36 - Kamil Kseń
Kamil is a front-end programmer, he enjoys building games in Rust & creating music in his free time.
Neovim and Terminal
It’s based on Astronvim, which is a most underrated nvim distro. It’s giving you all IDE features (like LunarVIM) out-of-the-box while keeping the configuration simple and easily extendable (which wasn’t the case for big nvim distros). Also, there is an astrocommunity repo https://github.com/AstroNvim/astrocommunity/ which contains ready copy-and-paste-to-go configuration file recipes for plugins which saves a huge amount of time while needing to install some handy and important plugins for work.
Outside the nvim, there is a tmux and my slimzsh shell that contains many handy aliases for quickly finding the projects and grep’ing the data in the most handy ways.
Of course, I extended the config by a lot, so it kinda became my very own thing after months of configuring it and I’m very proud of it. What do I love about it most?
It combines the best of both worlds - it’s beautiful and very practical (and fast). It gives me all the tools I need for my job and personal things while keeping it very simple and just as beautiful as possible. Also, it’s blazingly fast since it’s CLI-based
I enjoy practical things that are also beautiful at the same time. My config is practical, handy, and eye-pleasing at the same time :)
— Kamil
Favorite Tools
Tmux: Terminal multiplexer.
Neovim: Vim-based text editor.
lazygit: Simple terminal UI for git commands.
lazydocker: The lazier way to manage everything Docker.
arc: Web Browser.
Obsidian: Note-taking app.
excalidraw: Virtual collaborative whiteboard tool.
Raycast: A collection of powerful productivity tools all within an extendable launcher. Fast, ergonomic, and reliable.
keepassxc: Password manager.
fzf: command-line fuzzy finder.
I'm still messing around so it's not ready to use, but I hope anyone can find something valuable there :) — Kamil
You can find Kamil’s dotfiles here: https://github.com/Kamyil/.dotfiles/tree/main
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