32 - Muh Ibnu Habil Hanafi
Muh Ibnu Ha(bil) Hanafi, commonly known as Bill among friends, is a Software Engineer at a cozy Media Company headquartered in Indonesia. His background traces back to Sumatra Island, a sweet spot in one of the 17,000+ islands that make up Indonesia. He acquired his Information Technology degree in the early months of 2015. Back in the day, he had no clue about computers until 2010 when he first laid hands on one. It's hilarious to reminisce—He couldn't even figure out how to turn it on! Luckily, he had some awesome friends who guided him through.
He’s been programming professionally since November 2015. He owes a lot of his knowledge to his college days; where he was introduced to Open Source, which he’s been contributing to since.
At his work, He’s a Backend developer, he uses Python, NodeJS, and sometimes PHP for legacy apps.
Muh loves sharing his knowledge on his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@devactivity, and writes on his blog: repodev.com/blog
Neovim and Terminal
Neovim Plugins
Favorite Tools
Terminator (been loyal since 2013!): https://github.com/gnome-terminator/terminator
Source Code Pro for fonts: https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pr
Bash for shell tasks: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/
spotifyd: https://github.com/Spotifyd/spotifyd
Manjaro Linux.
i3wm for window management.
You can find his dotfiles here: https://github.com/nubilfi/dotfiles (Linux system based on Arch).
Desk Setup
Favorite Books