31 - Andrew Courter
Andrew Courter is a Software Engineering Manager for a small healthcare startup based out of Denver, CO. He was born and raised in Texas and graduated from Texas Tech with Masters and Bachelors in Computer Science and has been a developer for around 14 years, working in Defense, Travel, Healthcare, and Consulting. He started his career using GVIM but never invested the time to get good and learn the motions. Earlier this year he got back into Vim and has loved every minute of it. He is a contributing manager in my current role, so he still writes some code, but it is not his primary focus. His tech stack is Ruby on Rails, Kotlin, Ktor, and of course, AWS (Kotlin is a lot of fun if you haven't tried it).
You may know him on the internet from his Medium or Substack blogs, or his YouTube channel, where he shares content about Neovim and other productivity tools.
He started creating content almost 2 years ago but this year he decided to dive back into Vim, Tmux, and keyboards to really be productive and optimize his development setup (and have some fun too). From there he created content from what he was learning and has come to know some great folks in the Neovim community including Folke, TJ Devries, Adib Hanna, ThePrimeagen, Josh Medeski, Elijah Manor, and many more.
Social: Twitter, Twitch, Youtube
Neovim and Terminal
Andrew uses Neovim for everything except Kotlin, where he still uses IntelliJ (with IdeaVim plugin), He started out using the Gruvbox theme for Neovim, Lualine, and Tmux after seeing some posts from Adib but has recently switched to using Tokyonight across the board and he’s digging it.
He uses Kitty as his terminal emulator, Zsh for Shell (and now considering Fish), Starship for customizable prompts, and finally FiraCode for font. (looking into trying GitHub monaspace font soon)
Neovim Plugins
Noice: Highly experimental plugin that completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu.
Harpoon: Getting you where you want with the fewest keystrokes.
Leap: Quickly jump to a location in your buffer or across splits.
vim-visual-multi: Create multiple cursors like in IntelliJ, VSCode, etc.
Octo: Edit and review GitHub issues and pull requests from the comfort of your favorite editor.
vim-floaterm: Pop open a floating terminal window. Run a command then quickly toggle it off.
nvim-ufo: Use folds in Neovim to expand / collapse code.
Favorite Tools
Raycast: a blazingly fast, totally extendable launcher. It lets you complete tasks, calculate, share common links, and much more.
cal (CLI command): calendar in your terminal.
FZF: command-line fuzzy finder
Here's a script he uses (with fzf) to quickly clone a git branch:
function fsb() {
local pattern=$@
local branches branch
branches=$(git branch --all | awk 'tolower($0) ~ /'$pattern'/') &&
branch=$(echo "$branches" |
fzf-tmux -p --reverse -1 -0 +m) &&
if [ "$branch" = "" ]; then
echo "[$0] No branch matches the provided pattern"; return;
git checkout $(echo "$branch" | sed "s/.* //" | sed "s#remotes/[^/]*/##")
tmux: Terminal multiplexer
tmux session manager: smart tmux session manager.
Vimium: Control Chrome using Vim keybindings
You can find his dotfiles here: https://github.com/exosyphon/dotfiles
Desk setup
He got really into custom keyboards and now uses a 40% keyboard called a Minivan as his daily driver. It has epbt aesthetic keycaps and Akko V3 Cream blues. His other 40% has Gateron Oil Kings and GMK bleached keycaps.
Favorite Books