Gonzalo is a Senior Frontend Developer at Workday. He was born in Córdoba, Argentina, but moved to Copenhagen, Denmark 4 years ago. I work at Workday. He first delved into the world of Web Development 7 years ago, specializing in CSS. He even created a utility CSS framework (like many people did back then when Tailwind started to gain momentum). Nowadays he primarily works with React, Typescript, Tailwind, Playwright, etc.
Improving developer experience and helping teams achieve clearer, more elegant, and performant code is by far what he enjoys doing the most.
He’s always been a VSCode user until 5 months ago when he picked up Neovim out of interest. He's been blown away by how much you can do with it, how powerful Vim motions are, and how nice it feels to do all the work right into the terminal without leaving it.
Gonzalo is a big movie (and series) enthusiast. He likes writing screenplays (He even has 6 screenplays of his own, a mix of short and long movies) so he always tends to pay extra attention to movie scripts, dialogs, character development, etc. He’s also a huge Star Wars fan, and he even saw it with his friends around 35 times (3-4 times per year). He also enjoys traveling and getting to know new places and new cultures, so much so that he has a goal with his wife to travel to a new place each month, even if it's for a short weekend getaway.
Gonzalo’s Personal Website: https://www.gonzalostoll.com/
Neovim and Terminal
His Neovim setup is mostly targeted for front-end development, but it’s very extendable and can be adjusted to fit every need.
It’s a very new setup! His favorite part about it is how well he got formatting to work according to his needs since he likes working with special formatting (like no semicolons for instance).
Something he’d like to get right, but couldn’t manage to do so this far, is get a proper DAP configuration! Which he’ll get to eventually.
Conform: Lightweight yet powerful formatter plugin for Neovim.
Lualine: A blazing fast and easy-to-configure Neovim status line plugin written in pure Lua.
Package-info: All the npm/yarn/pnpm commands I don't want to type.
Vim-surround: Add/change/delete surrounding delimiter pairs with ease. Written in Lua.
Gitsigns: Git integration for buffers.
Favorite Tools
Neovim: the best terminal editor in existence.
Lazygit: simple terminal UI for git commands
iTerm2: Terminal Emulator.
fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder.
zsh: Shell.
FiraCode: Font.
QK65: keyboard.
You can find his dotfile here: https://github.com/gonstoll/dotfiles.
Desk Setup
Favorite Books
Looks hot