28 - Jonas Hietala
Hey! This is Adib. I hope you’re enjoying this newsletter as much as I do!
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Jonas considers himself a self-taught developer even though he has a software engineering degree. Programming has been his hobby way before he discovered Vim about 15 years ago. It's also his job; he currently works as a web developer and has been working remotely since before COVID-19. His love for programming languages tends to change. He now prefers to work with Rust or Elixir, whereas previously he enjoyed working with ML, LISP, Perl, and C++.
His interests are fleeting and so he finds it difficult to focus on projects for extended periods. Some projects he managed to focus on are a bunch of fast game prototypes (games made in 2 or 7 days), a Core Wars 88 implementation in VHDL, a custom keyboard layout, and a self-published book.
He’s written a /uses page with all the tech and tools he uses, including his favorite Neovim plugins, color scheme, terminal, computer hardware, keyboard, and more.
He also wrote about his Neovim config rewrite here.
Neovim and Terminal
What he loves about Neovim is how fast, powerful, and flexible it is. he can use it for all his projects, writing, note-taking, and development in whatever programming language he wants with a single editor.
He uses these Neovim plugins:
lazy.nvim as the plugin manager.
telescope.nvim for fuzzy finding all the things.
nvim-cmp as a completion engine.
conform.nvim to format files on save.
nvim-treesitter for better syntax highlighting and nvim-treesitter-textobjects for jumping between parts of the code.
neogit and gitsigns.nvim general git handling.
neorg to organize my personal knowledge base.
flash.nvim for more predictable and faster jumping/searching.
Basic LSP setup with nvim-lspconfig, mason.nvim and mason-lspconfig.nvim.
Favorite Tools
xmonad: A dynamically tiling X11 window manager that is written and configured in Haskell.
alacrity: Rust-based terminal emulator.
fish: command line shell.
firefox: Web browser.
neovide: Neovim client written in Rust.
Neovim: The best text editor in the galaxy.
You can find his dotfiles here: https://github.com/treeman/dotfiles
Desk Setup
Custom keyboard: (https://www.jonashietala.se/series/t-34/)
Favorite Books: