16 - Elijah Manor
Hey! This is Adib. I hope you’re enjoying this newsletter as much as I do!
If you would like to share your dotfiles, please reach out to me via email, or join our Discord community and DM me! ❤️
Elijah is a Christian and a family man with a beautiful wife and three awesome teens. He currently works as a remote Software Engineering Manager at Planview, but he also doubles as a Tech Lead for one of our Front-End Development teams. His main side adventure is building a YouTube channel (@elijahmanor) about development life in the terminal. You can also find him on socials (Twitter, Mastodon, BlueSky).
Outside of work, he helps homeschool his children and he’s active in his local church. he enjoys reading, exercising (weight lifting, cardio, and swimming), and hanging out with his family.
Neovim and Terminal
Elijah has been using Neovim full-time since May 2021. A co-worker and friend of his, Ryan Baumgardner, both happened to watch the VIM Fundamentals course on FrontEnd Masters by ThePrimeagen and decided that they wanted to dig in and dive into that ecosystem. It was nice having someone that he worked with be on a similar journey as himself. They regularly share tips and tricks of things that they learned.
Favorite Neovim Plugins
His favorite plugin is: mini.nvim
, which encompasses a plethora of mini plugins! Of those mini plugins, the ones that he regularly uses are:
mini.animate, mini.comment, mini.indentscope, mini.pairs, mini.bufremove, and mini.surround.
Tip: if you run the following command, you will be able to see a list of all installed plugins.
:lua for _, v in pairs(require("lazy").plugins()) do print(v[1]) end
Much of his current Neovim setup is based on the LazyVim distro authored by the prolific folke. There are already a lot of awesome goodies tucked inside of LazyVim. His favorite keymaps are (<A-j>
, <A-k>
) which helps you move the current line (or selection) up or down while honoring the formatting (LazyVim's keymaps.lua).
He used to be pretty hardcore dracula
theme lover, but there are occasions when he actually wants to switch between light and dark mode (like when moving from inside to outside), so he switched most of his environments to use catppuccin. He uses the "Frappe" theme for dark mode and the "Latte" theme for light mode. Thankfully catppuccin has repos for many popular apps like nvim, tmux, WezTerm, Alacritty, Kitty, btop, lazygit, zellij, fzf, bat, and newsboat,
Favorite Tools
He recently tweeted about some of his top terminal tools (non-native apps), but if we were to boil those down to a Top 10 list we would have:
Neovim: Best text editor on the planet.
tmux: Terminal multiplexer.
lazygit: simple terminal UI for git commands.
fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder.
gh: Github in your terminal.
lf: Terminal file manager.
exa: A modern replacement for ‘ls’.
watson: A wonderful CLI to track your time!
trash-cli: Command line interface to the freedesktop.org trashcan.
zoxide: A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
You can find his dotfiles here.
Desk Setup
“As for my office environment, I've been working in my bedroom closet for many years. I don't need much room to work. Just give me a desk, external monitors, a keyboard, and a chair and I'm good. The closet also doubles as a great room to record audio, so that's a nice perk. Since I work remotely from a laptop you can also find me working on the couch next to my dog, from a local coffee shop, or swinging from a hammock.” - Elijah